Friday, July 14, 2006

in love question mark.

(please read the following with a British accent)
Have you ever been in love, or so you thought, but when you kissed the one with whom you thought you were in love, you didn't feel as much as you used to, or had expected yourself to, and wondered if you truly were still, or ever, in love with this person? But you figured the butterflies simply faded over time, after hearing "I don't love you; I never will" many times, or it is possible that you're knowledge of the circumstance has tainted your ability to feel quite the same as you might have otherwise. What a quandry, you think. But you're smart. You continue to persue this person and hang around ...

Thursday, July 06, 2006

too soon.

it's been a long time. it's not that i have not been thinking, or mentally configuring blog entries, i have simply been too busy. last summer school class today - i will be officially done saturday after i turn in my final english paper. glad. a lot going on. a lot to think about. a lot to blog about. no time. maybe later. i still am struggling to find the time to create my masterpeice of a novel. novel of a masterpeice. balls! off work monday and tuesday - hope to spend time in the sun, and maybe share some of that sun with you accross the rays of internet.