Tuesday, October 10, 2006


I am going to vent.

I hate teachers who think they are something worth being on a pedestal.

I am missing a class for NY when we will be giving verbal presentations. On Friday she informed me and Billy that we will have to give the presentations a week early (this Friday) to make up for it and that she would email us what we needed to know. Come yesturday - still no email. Considering the next three days (well, today thru Thursday) will be crazy busy, I emailed her (yesturday) asking for the info needed to do prepare my speech. The email was as follows:

I would like to start thinking about and planning my verbalpresentation for Friday, so if you could send me information about it that would be great.
Thank you,

Mind you, I was frustrated with the fact that I wasn't able to do it over the weekend, as would make the most sense.

She emailed me back:

Dear Sarah,
I sent it out this morning. If you have any questions plese feel free to ask.


PS. As a professional suggestion, I do have a name and would like to be addressed by it.

I think that "P.S." is super snotty! Considering she didn't take the time to do what she had told Billy and I that she would AND that every email she has sent so far this year has had some spelling error (including the one sent this morning of the "presentation brief"). Are spelling errors professional?



Blogger Kayla said...

oh snap. thats hardcore. she sounds bitchy. im sorry that happened though :-/

1:08 AM  

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