Sunday, April 23, 2006


Not so smart anymore.

Got an essay (geography) returned via email today with the following comments written on the bottom:

Your essay shows little effort in critical thinking and analysis of Arnold’s essay. You address only a couple of points and then only to expound on the TRUTH of Arnold’s views. Conservative students often find validation in Arnold’s essay. Perhaps you are one of these. These students have a much more difficult time. I am asking them to be critical of something that ring’s true on first reading, yet many are able to rise to the task. Here you allow Arnold to define the values and actions of the other side without question and never even ask if he might be misrepresenting these issues. A poor job.

CONSERVATIVE? ME? No, I am not the tree-hugging, dreadlock, braless hippy he probably wishes me to be, but conservative? Seriously ... this man is just an ass. Last essay he told me I was retarded, this time he tellsl me I am conservative - is this really the kind of person we want teaching the future of America?! ...

okay I am a bit dramatic, but come on ... the best part is that we get a content grade and a writing grade - both of which i got a 6/10 ... and let me tell you - I can write. Better than most lame environmentalists, at least. Possibly even better than certain ex-journalist majors I know and am fond of ... (okay, that's not true.) And the fact of the matter is that I don't believe he has given us a single hand out to date which didn't have some sort of spelling/gramatical error, and these are not small errors. I will find an example later, right now I'm too lazy.

Speaking of lazy - that is exactly what I have been lately. You know those days where getting out of bed seems like the worst possible senario? Well - those days have been much more often of late. And when I accomplish the out-of-bed task, my day is quite unambicious and unfruitful. I have been too social lately... I am going to attempt to work on my studio tasks at home for a while, avoid the horrors of AUP 482 ... and 394 ...


Wednesday, April 19, 2006


Call me an effing genius ... cuz that's what I am ...
it's been a good week for grades! 96% on my geography test (which i definitly needed to make up for those 70's i got early on in the class) and a 102% on 302 ... BALLS YEAH!
i guess that goes to show the good times come with the bad times (Jerica - those are antithetics). and wow, i am

Sunday, April 16, 2006

dream on.

I have wanted to be an architect since elementary school ... Now all I want is to be able to fulfill that dream, and fulfill it happily. But it seems that everyone around me just wants me to quit, because I don't fit their mold of who they think I should be, and would be happier without me around. But I don't want to give up ... so instead I persue ... miserably ...

Friday, April 07, 2006


it's not a secret that i'm unhappy. everyone sees it every time they look at me. everyone sees it every time i "have an episode", or when i literally tell you. yet all you do is ignore it. why do you think it gets so bad that people take drastic measures and develope eating disorders or cut themselves or resort to drugs ... etc... maybe it's because they are sick of being ignored. I could scream how I feel loud and clear for everyone to hear and still -
don't ignore the voice crying out to you.