Monday, March 27, 2006

just vent.

I wasn't aware until recently that the desire to be included is unnatural... I get the explanation "It was a guy thing" all the time - but was it really? I have a hard time believing that just because boys are out with other boys they can't handle having a girl around - are they ashamed of me? Will I hinder their ability to get drunk or meet other girls or have a good time? I highly doubt it. If every night is "guy's night", then where is my night? And then the only way you find out about it is by overhearing them tell someone else the story or becaue they talk about it on facebook ... not because they tell you anything when they come to your house after getting dropped off at home... BOYS! But "boys will be boys" and I am supposed to accept that. Hard to accept that boys are going to be retarded for the rest of my life and will never learn to consider anyone else, especially a girl. I am just not quite sure why I need to be punished because I was born without a penis. They say "go out with the girls" ... but girls don't like girls. Girls like to sit around and talk shit about other girls, as the girls in my studio are currently doing. They consider themselves friends with each other - but then when one of them is gone, they discuss their every fault as if they have none of their own. And these are the same girls with which I am upset about the fact that I don't get included. What is wrong wtih me?!
Nothing. Absolutely nothing. I sit in this damn corner staring at my computer every day and rarely does anyone in this room notice me. I listen to the stories about what everyone did the past weekend - stories about events which I was never notified about - which is fine, I'm not saying that these people who don't really know me and don't care to should invite me to whatever it is they do - but some of them were my friends, and even they have never taken the time to do anything but fuck my exboyfriend ... And the ones who still are my friends deny me the opportunity to go out with them because it's "just the guys" - I guess that explains why Ashley and Katie are in all of their facebook pictures - because it was just the guys...
And yet, when it is all said and done, to everyone I am the crazy one with the anger problem ... no one realizes how their actions/words can affect someone else. Life is all about yourself - take what you can from those around you and call it good.
No - I'm not actually that sinical... I'm sure people mean well and truly care about one another - they just have an interesting way of showing it... and they don't care for me...
So today I learned
it is my fault that I feel left out.
Just because you tell me not to come to the bar doesn't mean I am left out.
i am no more important than the next guy,
even if I consider you one of my closest friends and would do anything for you.
to let it go -
it solves everything ... don't tell anyone how you feel about it because
you are wrong -
just forget it and
move on -
they aren't worth your time...
Don't call me bitter - just pissed.


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