Monday, March 27, 2006

it is.

Today my head hurts and I feel like ass. My project is lame and Talbott thinks I am a slacker, probably because I have no motivation to work on this.
I am "in love" with a boy who I can't have emotionally and have a crush on one of his close friends ... a girl who I used to be friends with who I am not longer friends with due to certain circumstances always has something in her aim profile along the lines of "let it go" - not sure if it is about me or if I am just paranoid ... it's quite a life, I tell ya...

Back to my trusses ...


Blogger Jerica said...

let it go!

just kidding. you shouldn't, because we probably need whatever it is for our very unfurnished apartment next semester...

'heart' you.

8:17 PM  

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